week two:
Turning toward yourself.
The world around us is ripe with inspiration. Creativity, innovation, motivation, advice, coaches, you name it, are literally at our fingertips. These sources of inspiration and guidance certainly have a time and a place and can serve us in unique ways. Yet when it comes to creating a vision for your own life, one of the foundational steps in creating that vision is being in consistent conversation with yourself. Learning how to turn your flow of attention and curiosity inside, get quiet, get curious, and ask yourself the questions that only you can answer. This practice will ensure you stay connected to and inspired by your internal compass, rather than following pathways outside of yourself, those that may not be yours to journey.
The practices in this module are designed to support you in reorienting toward the light of wisdom, insight, and inspiration within you. Rekindling the connection and conversation with the voice and guidance that reveals itself when you turn towards it, get quiet, and listen. There is a world of inspiration and clarity there!
Reorient Toward the Wisdom Within
Set aside a few minutes of quiet this week to put pen to paper and write out your thoughts on the following inquiries.
Explore all in one sitting or spread these throughout your week.
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When looking for answers or clarity, where do you most consistently seek guidance?
Reflect on a time recently when you honored the guidance and wisdom within. Write a few notes about this experience - consider any/all of the following prompts:
How did the guidance / wisdom arise for you? How did it present itself?
Did you choose to follow the guidance or wisdom that came through for you?
What did you learn from this experience?
How does it feel to heed the wisdom of your heart by way of the choices you make and the actions you take? What impact does this have?
Where or when do you feel most connected to your voice of wisdom within?
I often feel deeply inspired and in relationship with my inner wisdom on long walks in nature, equally so, when I sit in stillness and quiet in the early morning.
Can you identify a time and/or place where you feel most open and receptive to this relationship? If you were to make this nurturing this relationship a consistent practice, how might this look in your day?
Where are some of the places/spaces you find inspiration in your days/life?
Wisdom within can also guide us in releasing that which has served its purpose in our life; that which is no longer needed.
With this in mind, consider where your attention was placed this past year. How did this feel for you?
Without judgement consider, what has been the outcome of this particular attention and focus?
Finally, does this still fit? Is this still serving you or are you being guided to let this (or these things) go and make space for a new vision and possibility?
Share your thoughts here - remember, specificity holds power.
Anything more that is coming up for you now? Anything you feel inspired to move onto the page?
Daily Practice:
As you move through your week, notice when you feel connected to guidance, clarity, and inspiration that comes from within you. It need not be dramatic or feel like a thunderbolt of light - it may be a subtle whisper or something you see in the world around you that offers a clear guidance.
When you feel the need to look outside of yourself for an answer, consider taking a moment to pause, get still, let your breath usher your attention inside, and simply ask for guidance. Your patience in listening and willingness to honor what you receive will serve you each and every time. Each time you practice, you are forging a deeper sense of trust and connection with your innermost wisdom.
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