week three:
Clearing the Way
When we feel unsettled in our body, we have a difficult time experiencing ease of mind, safety in our surroundings, and trust in our choices and our path ahead. When we feel disconnected from our true nature, untethered from the guidance of our innermost wisdom, decisions may feel futile, we seek clarity from external sources, and our personal truths may feel far from reach.
Alternatively, when we learn to settle into an experience of steadiness in our body - our essential nature, we nurture our ability to consistently return to a deep sense of peace that opens the doorway to the practice of connecting with and listening to the wisdom within. This has been the work of the past few weeks and this, ultimately, leads us to experiencing clarity vision, a connection to our priorities and dreams, and the next right steps become clearer.
The week’s practices are designed to support you in clarifying your visions, intentions, and priorities for the days, weeks, and months ahead. This week is about reflecting, focusing in, and looking ahead.
Realign With Your Vision
Set aside a few minutes of quiet this week to put pen to paper and write out your thoughts on the following inquiries.
Explore all in one sitting or spread these throughout your week.
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Reflect on the past year. What do you feel most proud of that you would like to acknowledge and carry forward into this new year? Consider your relationships, rituals and practices, your perspectives, your work, ways of engaging with the world around you, etc.
As you continue to reflect on last year, what do you feel ready to release? To move away from? Make a list. Next to each item on your list write down what purpose it served at the time, how did it seem to support you? Then simply write the words “Thank you, I release you”.
How do you want to feel in the coming months and year? Be as specific as possible. Make notes here about small steps and practices you can take to support you in experiencing this feeling (these feelings). Even the tiniest of gestures and acts can add up to create a potent shift.
What is true for you now? What are you ready to step towards this year? What do you feel ready to receive?
Consider personal wellness, personal relationships, family, business/work, community, and any other areas that feel important to you, personally : what do you wish to cultivate and nurture in these areas? Again, Make notes here about small steps and practices you can take to support you in staying connected to these priorities. Even the tiniest of gestures and acts can add up to create a potent shift.
how do you want to feel in each of these areas and what is one specific step you can towards cultivating or creating space for this to be so?
Complete this sentence: I feel most aligned in my life when….
Anything more that is coming up for you now? Anything you feel inspired to move onto the page?
Daily Practice:
Notice the moments in your day when you feel clearly aligned. Notice the moments when you feel grounded, connected to your truth and the world around you. The moments you feel oriented toward your dreams, your priorities, and your visions. The moments you feel a deep sense of trust in the way life is unfolding. If you stay present to this possibility and pay attention, these moments can show up in myriad ways - clarity at the end of a movement practice, a look or smile from a loved one or even a stranger, a wave of gratitude moving through you as you sit with a warm cup of tea, awakening from a night of restful sleep, a sunrise, an intention set, a tiny dream realized. The sky is the limit here!
As you awaken to these glimmers of alignment, take the time to mark the moment in some way. Close your eyes and take a deep breath of acknowledgement. Write it down in a journal or start a collection of sticky notes. Simply say the words, “thank you”. I love saying the phrase “I see you” when I feel this clear alignment. The more consistently we take the time to acknowledge and celebrate these drops of clarity, the more attuned we become to witnessing the unfolding of the vision you’ve crafted, the more clearly you can see your seeds of intention at work in the world around you.
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