SLOW FLOW / HIP RELEASE. This practice offers a slower flow to create space for self reflection as we open and release the hips. Highlights include Moon Salutations, a Ladder Flow, Ardha Chandra Chapasana (Sugar Cane), Bridge, and reclined Hip Openers. 51-Minute Vinyasa
ESSENTIAL FLOW. For the days you need a well-rounded, grounding flow with a little bit of everything. Expect a small dose of each : sun salutations, standing poses, twists, backbends, savasana. 53-Minute Vinyasa
SHOULDER LOVE. This full-body, well-rounded flow targets the shoulder joint and the surrounding muscles to help release tension in the upper body, neck, and shoulders. Grab a block + strap and enjoy! 51-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
DROP IN. This practice utilizies a conscious, rhythmic breath coupled with continuous, mindful movements in repetition to usher you into an experience of dropping in - to your steadiness and clarity. 52-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
AWAKEN GRATITUDE | Explore the practice of gratitude woven throughout this dynamic, fluid sequence including sun salutations, creative standing flows, inversions and back bends. | 60-Minute Vinyasa
GROUNDING FOR FALL | This steady, rhythmic flow was designed with the season of Fall in mind as a balm for the often hurried, frazzled, vata energy that can accompany this time of year. Expect postures close to the earth coupled with standing flows to get you connected to your foundation. | 51-Minute Vinyasa
DECLARE PEACE WITHIN | This sequence incroporates continuous, fluid movement through postures as we explore the experience of declaring peace within ourselves amidst the percieved instability | 53-Minute Vinyasa
TRUE NATURE | Fluid, dynamic practice with a physical focus on core strength, standing flows, and arm balances. This sequence is designed to guide you into the experience of your true nature. | 53-Minute Vinyasa
ENERGIZE + FLOW | Dynamic, well-rounded practice designed to build a steady energy from within. Explore the practice of returning home to your center within the flow. | 60-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
NURTURE CONNECTION | Explore nurturing deeper connections through balancing postures, binds, and twists. | 58-Minute Vinyasa + Meditaiton
PRIORITIES | Warming, dynamic flow focused on opening the front line of the body, shoulders, and heart. Consider how you relate to the concept of priorities and tune into what rises to the surface through the journey of this practice. | 59-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation (benefit practice for GiveIndia)
SUPPORT | Heart-opening practice designed to connect you to your own, steady foundation as a way to expand, support, and show up in the ways you envision. Begin with alternate-nostril breathing before moving into a flow focused on backbends. | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
LADDER FLOW | Steady, fluid practice gradually building poses as we progress through the flow. Expect Sun Salutations, Standing Poses, Arm Balances + a brief meditation to close. | 52-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
GROUND + EXPAND | Fluid, warming practice with a focus on twists. Begin with seated postures designed to unfold and prepare the body for the flow. End with seated postures to ground and support the expansive quality you've created. Close with a brief meditation. | 57-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
HEART-CENTERED EXPANSION | Explore grounded expansion in your physical body as you open to the areas in your life in which you are feeling called to expand and step forward in a new way. | 60-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
LOVE LANGUAGE | Explore variations of sun and moon salutions in this dynamic, sequence aimed to cultivate kindness in your internal dialogue and a shift away from critical thoughts. | 58-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
HIGHEST SELF | Dynamic flow of hip openers, twists, and balancing postures building up towards belly-down backends. Explore the concept of your highest self and how to bring this into your days off the mat. | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
STABILITY + SOFTNESS | Explore the concept of sthira sukham asanam - posture being steady and easeful in this dynamic, well-rounded practice. Slight emphasis on balance and twists throughout. | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
COURAGE | Dynamic flow focused on opening the space of the shoulders and the hips. Explore the essence and embodiment of courage and how this is being called for in your life right now. | 60-Minute Vinyasa
RESILIENCE | Sweaty, fluid sequence designed to connect you to your own capacity for resilience. Expect twists, standing balancing postures, and dynamic transitions from pose to pose. Practice closes with a brief guided meditation to support your experience of resiliency. | 53-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
RETURNING | Fluid, heating sequence building towards the backbend Urdhva Dhanurasana. Explore the practice of noticing where your attention is being drawn and returning to your chosen anchor point. | 55-minute Vinyasa + Meditation + Chat
CELEBRATE THE BODY | Celebrate the body as the house of your spirit as we move through this dynamic, warming sequence. Explore variations on Sun Salutations, standing balancing poses and a few twists (of course!) | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
WARM + GROUND | Fluid, heating practice designed especially to support, warm, and nourish those during the winter storm in Texas | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
CHOOSE YOUR CHANNEL | Dyanmic sequence working towards Revolved Half-Moon. Expect classical Sun Salutations and a variety of standing poses and twists as we explore the concept of choosing our channel of focus. | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
FLOW WITH ME | Fluid practice with a little bit of everything inspired by a willigness to trust the body, trust the practice, and allow the movements to unfold naturally | 60-Minute Vinyasa
EXPRESSION | Dynamic, warming practice with a focus on twisting and releasing tension and holding around the space of the neck and shoulders. Through movement and intention we reflect on that which is needing and ready to be expressed and shared in your life. | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
SANCTUARY | Dynamic, fluid heart and hip-opening sequence designed to explore the body as a sanctuary of peace and steadiness amidst the movement. Alternate-nostril breathing leads us into a simple meditation on expanding peace. | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
CIRCULATE | Dynamic practice of continuous, breath-centered movement designed to support circulation and an exploration of nourishment | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditation
COLLECT YOUR ENERGY | Dynamic sequence designed to assist you in re-collecting your energy by way of creating a spacious quality within your body and cultivating a nourshing, life-giving breath. | 55-minute Vinyasa + Meditation
LOVE LANGUAGE | Dynamic, warming, well-rounded sequence focused on acknowledging critical self-talk and shifting into kind, loving language and thinking as we relate to ourselves. | 55-Minute Vinyasa + Meditaiton
RISE | Dynamic sequence designed to wake up your system and unfold your body. Designed for the morning, though is a great practice anytime you need a boost. Quick cameo from our pup, Bear | 55-Minute Vinyasa
UNLOCK + RELEASE | Steady, rhythmic flow with gentle start and a focus on gradually opening the hips and shoulders throughout the flow | 60-minute Vinyasa
RELEASE + RECEIVE | Fluid, grounding sequence building towards belly-down backbends via dynamic salutations and warming twists. Explore releasing blocks as a way to receive more openly | 60-minute Vinyasa
ALL ABOUT THE HIPS | Gentle, dynamic sequence designed to bring awareness and spaciousness to all aspects of the hips. Flow includes variations on Lunge Salutations, standing poses, seated and reclined hip openers | 60-minute Gentle Vinyasa
SIDE BODY FREEDOM | Warming flow designed to open and create space in your side body. Fluid sequence builds towards Parsva Bakasana / Side Crow | 60-minute Vinyasa
UNSHAKABLE | Dynamic sequence building progressively towards Urdhva Dhanurasana / Upward Bow. Explore your steadiness flowing from the space within you that is unshakable amidst challenge | 60-minute Vinyasa
COMMIT TO BREATHE | Become established in your breath as an anchor and guide for this dynamic practice. Explore the impact of staying committed to maintainig awareness of your breath as it guides your movement. Commit to your breath supporting you through the duraction of your practice, through the discomfort, and close with a deeply intentional rest for renewal | 60-minute Vinyasa
CLEAR SEEING + RIGHT ACTION | Steady, dynamic flow exploring one of the fundamental aims of yogic philosophy ~ lifting the veils that obstruct our clear seeing. Heart opening | 60-minute Vinyasa
ONE BREATH TO STILLNESS | Continuous flow focusing on stabilizing the core and opening the shoulders in preparation for backbends. Brief, reflective moments to "drop in" as a practice to carry with you | 60-minute Vinyasa
SIMPLIFY | Gentle beginnings lead into steady, fulid movement as we prepare the body to sit for meditation and explore a promt to consider what may be available to you in the process of simplifying | 60-minute Mindful Flow & Meditation
OUTWARD INWARD | This warming practice explores postures that invite physical and energetic opening and expansion and those which ask us to turn inward and soften. We visit the concepts of attachment (raga) and aversion (dvesha) through this lense of posture and breath | 60-minute Vinyasa
TRANSITION | A touch of everything in this warming, fluid flow working towards Dhanurasana / Bow Pose. Explore tendencies as we navigate transition in life through the lens of mindful transition on your mat | 60-minute Vinyasa
PERSPECTIVE | Dynamic, warming practice building towards Vasisthasana / Side Plank variations. Explore areas of your life where a shift in perspective may offer clarity and healing | 60-minute Vinyasa
REVOLVE | This sequence focuses on staying observant and mindful of maintaining length in the spine as we build towards Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana / Revolved Half Moon | 60-minute Vinaysa
REFINE | Dynamic sequence with a little bit of everything physically. Thus, leading us to space and steadiness in the body, space and steadiness in the mind, and an opportunity to refine our thinking |65-minute Vinyasa
FREEDOM | Dynamic, heating sequence focused on freeing up the breath and releasing stagnant energy by way of opening the hips from all angles | 60-minute Vinyasa
CENTER & LIFT | Well-rounded sequence focusing on waking up the core and opening inner and outer hips in preparation for Bakasana / Crow Pose | 60-minute vinyasa
EFFORT & EASE | Dynamic sequence with a physical focus on twists and hamstring opening leading towards Parivrtta Trikonasana / Revolved Triangle. Throughout class we expolore the concept and balance of sthira & sukha | 60-minute Vinyasa
PLAY | Warming, dynamic, breath-centered flow focusing on backbends and arm balances leading up to Kapinjalasana / Partridge Pose. | 60-minute Vinyasa
TRANSFORM | Warming, dynamic sequence with a physical focus on shoulder and heart opening. Energetically, we explore the gunas (qualities of nature) | 60 minute Vinyasa
RENEW & RELEASE | Gentle, dynamic flow designd to prepare the body for breathwork and meditation focused on the unique qualities of the breath | 60-minute Mindful Flow and Meditation
VITALITY | Fluid sequence focused physically on the inner line of the leg. Energetically we focus on the inhales as a way to energize and revitalize the system | 60-minute Vinyasa
SPACE BETWEEN | Flow designed to create space in your body and mind as you anchor your awareness into the space between breaths. Peak flow includes standing / balancing postures | 65-minute Vinyasa
PRANA | Well-rounded heating practice leading up to Natarajasana / Dancer. Focus on cultivating and circulating life force energy throughout your system | 60-minute Vinyasa
CIRCULATE | Dynamic, water-inspired flow focused on staying in the energy of the heart and the practice of surrender | 60-minute Vinyasa
LIBERATE | Sequence working towards Ustrasana (camel) as we focus on moving lymph and opening the space around your lungs and heart | 65-minute Vinyasa
GROUND | Well-rounded, grounding, stabilizing flow designed to reduce physical tension and create steadiness and ease of body and mind | 60-minute Vinyasa
LAND | Well-rounded sequence designed to ground you physically in the body, become established in breath through Viloma pranayama, and clear energy that is taking you away from your experience of peace | 60-minute Vinyasa
LUNGS & HEART | Heating practice designed to open the space around the lungs and heart. Sequence includes twists and builds up to Dhanurasana / Bow Pose | 60-minute vinyasa flow.
PEACE | Clarifying, dynamic flow designd to prepare the body for breath work and meditation on cultivating the essence and experience of peace | 60-minute Mindful Flow and Meditation
PERCEIVE | Gentle, dynamic flow designed to prepare the body for meditation. Guided alternate nostril breathing and meditation follows movement | 64-minute Mindful Flow and Meditation
EXPANSION | Warming sequence focused on moving energy through your system and expanding from the inside out. Moments of stillness woven carefully throughout | 60-minute Vinyasa
STABILITY | Navigate your way to experience stability in body in mind by way of experiencing and working through instability in your body via balancing postures | 60-minute Vinyasa
VITALITY | Dynamic, breath-centered flow focused on cultivating energy and moving it through the body. Practice includes twists, balancing poses and backbends | 60-Minute Vinyasa